Seal a Meal Vacuum Sealer Review

Are you sick and tired of throwing food into your garbage can?

Maybe you need a good way to store fresh herbs that you grow on your windowsill, or you have a garden that produces way more fresh fruits and vegetables than you can eat or give away.

Nobody likes to waste food, whether we work to grow it ourselves, or work to buy it.

While most people try to only buy and cook what they need, you always end up with extra.

Most of the time we have every intention of eating the leftovers or produce we put in the fridge, but we run out of time. It simply goes bad too quickly.

What if you could make your food last three to five times longer before it went bad? Would you be interested?

Of course, you would. There is a machine that is very easy to use and affordable that can do it. It’s called a vacuum sealer.

Vacuum sealers are machines that you plug in and use on your countertop. The vacuum sealer removes all of the air from inside a specially made bag.

Then, it seals the bag tight by melting the plastic bag shut with heat. That leaves your food inside the bag with no air and seals it in until you cut it open. This not only saves space in your refrigerator or freezer but removing the air lets the food stay fresh longer.

My first experience with a vacuum sealer came after an especially successful deer hunting trip. My partner and I returned home with three nice big Blacktail bucks.

Next, we had to cut up the meat and package it for the freezer. His wife had worked for years as a commercial butcher, so cutting up the deer was handled.

Our next decision was butcher paper, plastic, and tape or a vacuum sealer. We decided to use the vacuum sealer. The meat was flying at me hot and fast, but I was able to keep up with vacuum sealing the venison and labeling it with a Sharpie just fine.

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I was so impressed with the ease and performance of the machine, I got one for my wife that Christmas. She still loves to use it, and so do I.

If you think that a vacuum sealer is something that you can use, I have a great product to recommend. It’s the Seal-a-Meal Manual Vacuum Sealer.

There are five areas to consider when shopping for a vacuum sealer. Let’s take a look at each one individually and see how the Seal-a-Meal performs in each area:

Factors That Keep In Mind

Ease of Use

This is one area where the Seal-a-meal really shines. This vacuum sealer is so easy to use, even I figured it out. First, you’ll need to plug it into a standard wall outlet.

Now your vacuum sealer is ready for use. Next, place the food or other items you want to seal up into a vacuum bag. Then, insert the open end of the bag into the slot on the front of the machine until it stops.

Now you’re ready to seal. To seal, you place your hands on each side of the machine (where the hands are painted on) and press down and hold.

This will start the vacuum sealer. When the machine starts to suck out the air, the hands-free light will come on, and you can let go.

Just a few seconds after that, the machine will stop and the seal indicator light will light up to let you know that you have a good seal.

To release the bag, you simply press the open/cancel button and the machine pops open. You’re done! This vacuum sealer is truly very easy to use, and it works quickly as well.


This is a good thing to keep in mind whenever you shop for a vacuum sealer. Always look to see the width of bags or rolls that you can use with the machine.

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Wider is always better. When you are using large vacuum bags to store larger quantities, you want to be able to easily insert the bag into the machine.

Every machine I saw on the internet could use eight-inch wide bags, but the Seal-a-Meal can handle eight-inch, eleven-inch, quart-size and gallon-size bags.

No matter which vacuum sealer you decide on, I highly recommend getting one that is able to use eleven-inch wide bags.


As with any other kitchen appliance, cleanup is always a concern. Make sure the vacuum sealer you select is easy to clean. One feature that the Seal-a-Meal has that others don’t is a removable drip tray. The tray catches any liquids that may be sucked out during the vacuum process.

On the Seal-a-Meal, you simply remove the tray, dump it out and wash it, either by hand or you can throw it in the dishwasher.

All other surfaces are cleanable by wiping with a damp cloth or using mild soap and water. The Seal-a-Meal vacuum sealer is a cinch to clean up.


One of the factors in every buying decision we make is the price. Most of the time, you end up spending more than you wanted to get a better quality machine.

Not so here. The Seal-a-Meal is the highest quality vacuum sealer available, but wait, it’s also one of the most affordable.

If the high price of vacuum sealers has prevented you from buying one in the past, you might be surprised at just how affordable the Seal-a-Meal really is.


  • Super easy to use
  • Price is so affordable, anyone can now own a vacuum sealer
  • Wide width handles 11” bags or rolls
  • Removable drip tray for easy cleaning
  • You can use any vacuum sealing bags or bag rolls with this machine


  • Only comes with four vacuum seal bags
  • Some customers had problems with 1-2 uses


  • Dimensions 17.1 by 9.3 by 6.2 inches
  • Weighs 4.2 pounds
  • Press/Hold Release System
  • Works best with Seal-a-Meal bags and rolls
  • Fits 8-inch, 11-inch, quart, and gallon bags and rolls
  • Hands-free light and seal indicator light
  • Patented removable drip tray
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can you use the vacuum seal bags as a bowling bag?

Yes, you can use the Seal a Meal bags to boil. Just place your frozen bags into the boiling water to reheat.

Do I have to buy a specific brand of bag s made just for this sealer, or are other brand bags interchangeable?

You should be able to use any brand of vacuum sealer bags with this machine. They are all interchangeable.

I was thinking about buying one of these to preserve my fresh garden herbs. Will this machine work?

The Seal a Meal is perfect for sealing and storing your fresh garden herbs. It will work great!

Does the Seal a Meal come with bags, or do I have to buy them separately?

This vacuum sealer comes with four one quart bags. After that, you’re on your own. You’ll figure out pretty quickly which size works the best for you. And don’t forget, you can wash and reuse bags to really save money.

How long do you think meat, fish, or chicken would last without freezing it in a vacuum sealed bag?

In general, vacuum sealed foods will last three to five times longer than non-vacuum sealed foods. Don’t forget – Perishable foods still need to be refrigerated or frozen even if they are vacuum sealed.

Final Verdict

Vacuum sealers are a great way to extend the life of your food, including leftovers. If you are looking for a vacuum sealer, consider the Seal-a-Meal manual vacuum sealer.

It is affordable, easy to use, wide enough to handle large bags or rolls, easy to clean, and the maker stands behind it with a excellent customer service. As far as vacuum sealers go, the Seal-a-Meal vacuum sealer is the best buy.

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