How Does A Chamber Vacuum Sealer Work? (With Steps of The Process)

A chamber vacuum sealer is bigger compared to the normal vacuum sealers. This makes it able to seal more food packages at once and it is mostly used in restaurants and by avid home chefs.

The machine is more expensive but does its work much more efficiently making it good for the money. It contains both a vacuum pump for sucking in air and a chamber for placing the bags to vacuum.

When pumping, the chamber will have similar pressure to the packaging bag so that contents cannot be pulled out and the bag cannot crumble pouring them out.

If you are curious about how this sealer works, read along because you are just about to find out.

How does a chamber vacuum sealer work?

A chamber vacuum sealer is responsible for the vacuum sealing of packages. The first process is usually filling up a bag with food but leaving some space at the top part. Then the bag is placed in the sealing chamber for vacuuming. The placement should be done carefully to prevent the bag from puffing out and bursting.

Vacuuming gets rid of all the air after which sealing is done by sealing rods. The vacuum sealing process depends on the type of food as some foods will require tighter sealing while others need less tight sealing.

Steps of the Chamber Vacuum Sealing Process

The process takes part in the following steps:

Put your food in a package

The first step is to put food in the package you need it to be vacuumed in. Whether it’s a vacuum sealer bag, sous vide bag, or a ziplock bag, keep the opening out of the way by folding it.

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This ensures that your food contents do not pour on the sealing part which can make it not seal well. Folding will also keep the bag open making it easier for you to put in the contents.

Place the package in the chamber

After packaging, you will need to put your package in the chamber for sealing. Place the opening edges over the sealing bar to tuck them down into the sealing chamber.

Ensure that no part of the edges is sticking out of the chamber because this can make air unable to escape due to pressure outside being low. If the pressure outside the bag is low, it could swell and explode pouring all contents out.

So be careful with the flaps and ensure that they are in the chamber then close the lid so that the vacuum pump can begin the sealing process.

The vacuum sealing process

When the lid is closed, the sealing process starts. The food you are vacuum sealing determines the pressure levels you should use.

A package is sealed tighter if you use more pressure. The machine has different levels of pressure control.

As the pressure reduces inside, the air is forced out. With this machine, the air is not only pulled out of the bag but also out of the chamber. So the air will be drawn from the bag and the chamber at the same time.

If you don’t want your food losing form you can stop vacuuming before the machine compresses it more. A chamber vacuum sealer has a more airtight seal, but it is much slower compared to the vacuum sealer.

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The heat sealing process

The packaging bag has to be heat sealed immediately after vacuuming to prevent air from getting back in.

This process uses heat sealing bars. Sealing should only take a few seconds because the bars should not be left in contact with the bag for long to avoid melting it.

After sealing has taken place, the chamber gets refilled with air. No air can get back in the bag because it is completely sealed at this point.

That change in pressure makes the bag collapse and form around the food ending the vacuuming process.


A chamber vacuum sealer is more expensive compared to a normal vacuum sealer but this is also because it does its work on a larger scale. The machine can vacuum seal more bags at once making it the go-to choice for restaurants and serious chefs.

However, it can be slower compared to the basic vacuum sealer. The machine controls air pressure to vacuum all air from a bag and seal it afterward. It is very efficient and it gives an airtight seal.

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